Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Although I am not a fan of personal drama, I guess it's inevitable at times. So the guy I have been hoping to date and I hung out two days in a row. We had a great time. As I was dropping him off, he reminded me he doesn't want a relationship right now, and he currently sees me as a friend. I was a little disappointed, to say the least.
During the week, I hardly heard from him, which is unusual for us. We usually text several times a day. He did take on a full time job, so I figured that was part of the issue. We were supposed to hang out Halloween weekend. We even spoke on the phone briefly. He told me he missed me, which was out of character for him to say randomly. Things seemed like they were back to normal.  We didn't end up hanging out, and we planned on hanging out either Sunday or Monday.
On Sunday, he put up a questionable Facebook status...a big change in his life for the better with a heart after it. No idea what it means, nor did he offer an explanation. However, we texted briefly, wishing each other a good Monday, and then, nothing since then. I have no idea why. His best friend hasn't heard from him either. It's so odd. I hope he's ok, first and foremost. I wish I wasn't so attached to him, as I worry heartache will not be far away. But you can't help what the heart wants sometimes.
Right now, I just hope to hear from him so I know he's ok. The rest, I will deal with later. Anyway, I needed to vent. Not sure if anyone reads these, but thanks for listening.