Friday, October 22, 2010

It's been a while...

Right now, there is no major updates to my life. I did successfully lose 35 lbs, and I am feeling great! (So I guess that is a big update!) I should say, no major updates to my love life.
The guy I have had an intense interest in and I have been hanging out more. There is definitely physical and emotional chemistry, but he is holding on to being single so he can get further with his personal goals. He has been upfront about this from the start, but I have to admit it's frustrating me. He and I make so much sense. I know he knows it, but I also know he is holding strong to his ideas at this point. So I play the waiting game.
I just hope this works out sooner than later. Sigh.

Monday, October 11, 2010

National Coming Out Day

It's hard to believe that in this day and age, gay people are still being so judged against. There are so many hypocrites and mean-spirited people in the world. I don't understand the need for harboring such hatred toward anyone, especially someone who is just trying to live his/her life.
I can speak from experience, being gay is not something anyone chooses...not any more than a heterosexual chooses to be straight. Believe me, no one wants to be mocked, live in fear, contemplate ending their life, being rejected by family & friends because of who they are attracted to. Yet, some people believe this is a choice gay people make on purpose.
Do we have the choice over how we live our lives? Absolutely! We are the masters of our own destinies. Sometimes, that is easier said than done.
My wish on this day of coming out is that we as humans, brothers & sisters, parents & children, friends, co-workers, as inhabitants of this planet could learn to accept each others' differences and celebrate them. We each have something wonderful to contribute to the world.
I hope you find peace in your heart today and everyday. Believe's better to be happy and find joy in your heart than to dwell and let hatred fester in it's place.

"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do."
Mother Teresa 

"Acknowledging and accepting whatever stuff you may have to let go comes easier when you love yourself."