Monday, August 10, 2009

The First Posting

Well, where to begin. I just arrived home from seeing the movie Julie & Julia, which, I suppose, is the inspiration for my new blog. I have always wanted to write a blog, but I really wasn't sure what to write about. So do I attempt to start a cooking blog like the movie? No. Instead, I figured I would write about my life.

What makes me special? Well, I'd like to think a lot. I do my best to treat others as I want to be treated. I believe in finding the humour in everything. Life is too short not to make the most of it. I am hoping that by blogging, I will continue to be inspired by life, and who knows...maybe inspire someone else. Not sure how, but then again, there isn't a road map to life, and you can't use a GPS to get where you're going sometimes.

So why the title "My Life on the G List?" Well, I suppose I could just come out and tell you, or I could make you ponder that for a while. Possibly, revealing it in a clever way. Hmm. Maybe I'll reveal it in time. Of course, it may be obvious to some. We'll see.

So what do you need t know about me? Well, I had a great childhood. My mom and dad were pretty much the Cleavers. (If you are too young to get that reference, look up the classic TV show "Leave it to Beaver.") I have a brother and a sister, both younger than I am. I grew up in a picturesque little town in Vermont. I know it all sounds ideal, and in most ways, it was very Norman Rockwell. However, I led a double-life. I suppose I will leave it a that for now.

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