Thursday, September 23, 2010

History Repeats Itself

Well, it turns out the guy I have been interested in, who went back to his ex, left his ex. Shockingly, it turns out that the guy hadn't changed, and might have gotten worse. I can't say I'm surprised. Some people never change.

He and I went out recently, and he was rather flirty. Then he tells me that he doesn't think of me as "the one." I don't get it...and apparently I won't. He did say he can't say he won't wake up one day and feel that way about me. It's so confusing, to say the least.

At this point, I am just letting it ride. We can be friends, and I am not putting myself in the position of flirting anymore. If he has that kind of interest, I will let him pursue me. I am kind of done with the roller coaster ride right now.

In other news, I have lost 28 lbs. so far! I am looking good, and I can finally fit into all my clothing. In fact, I have to go through clothes and get rid of stuff that's too big!

So life is good.

Monday, September 13, 2010


So it turns out, after all the flirting, all the texts, all the Facebook messages, he has gone back to his ex. I was kind of shocked by this, but it is what it is. I can't explain it, I don't understand it, and I am not sure what's next.

On a different note, I have been working out a lot, and I must say that I am looking pretty good! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

And the ride continues...

So last Sunday, I had an amazing date with the guy who I have been persuing for a few years now. We spent the day and evening together yesterday, and had a great time hanging out in Boston. We had a picnic lunch at the Commons, and walked all over Newbury Street and Copley Place.  We flirted quite a bit.

We spent some time at Barnes & Nobel. He did some major flirting..."bumping" into me, brushing up against me, being playing. It was awesome. I definitely felt the chemistry, and I know he did as well, especially since he was the initiator of it all. It was very sweet and sexy.

While waiting for dinner, we sat near a beautiful reflection pond and fountain. He mentioned that he was still in love with his ex, and he mentioned the fact that he was not looking to date at this time in his life, which he did tell me at the start of all this. However, try telling that to my heart. Not the easiest sell, believe me.

I was in a solemn mood for a bit, and he noticed. I felt bad, and it took all my personal inner strength to overcome that and put on a happy face. I did a great job...kudos me.

We had a great dinner and good conversation. We then met up with his friend afterward, and continued to walk and talk. We ended up leaving Boston around 3am. Yikes, that was a late but fun night. His friend did give him a ride home, which was disappointing because I really wanted more time with him. Oh well, maybe another time.

He did say that if he was looking to date, he would date me. I know he's not playing me by saying that, I am just not happy with the situation at the moment. However, I have come this far, so I won't give up just yet. Maybe just put things on the back burner for a while.

Sigh...I am so bad at the waiting game.