Thursday, September 23, 2010

History Repeats Itself

Well, it turns out the guy I have been interested in, who went back to his ex, left his ex. Shockingly, it turns out that the guy hadn't changed, and might have gotten worse. I can't say I'm surprised. Some people never change.

He and I went out recently, and he was rather flirty. Then he tells me that he doesn't think of me as "the one." I don't get it...and apparently I won't. He did say he can't say he won't wake up one day and feel that way about me. It's so confusing, to say the least.

At this point, I am just letting it ride. We can be friends, and I am not putting myself in the position of flirting anymore. If he has that kind of interest, I will let him pursue me. I am kind of done with the roller coaster ride right now.

In other news, I have lost 28 lbs. so far! I am looking good, and I can finally fit into all my clothing. In fact, I have to go through clothes and get rid of stuff that's too big!

So life is good.

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