Monday, August 23, 2010


So it's Monday, and I did quite well with my eating! I woke up and had a mushroom, onion, 2 egg omelet. Then I had almonds for snack, as well as an apple. For lunch, I had a very healthy salad loaded with peppers, mushroom, mozzarella pearls, blueberries, tomatoes, and light strawberry vinaigrette. It was delicious! My "dessert" was a Fuji apple.

I had a protein power bar for a snack, and I finished my Fuji water. I went to the gym after work, and I did 500 calories on the elliptical machine. Then I did some weights.

For dinner, I had a piece of salmon, fresh tomato w/mozzarella pearls and fat-free vinaigrette. I broiled some fresh zucchini in olive oil and added some seasoned bread crumbs. It was quite a yummy day!

So tomorrow they are providing lunch at work...we'll see how that goes. I have an open house, so maybe I'll bring a salad with me. I made 4 of the same salad last night, so it's all ready to go!

Does anyone have any good zucchini recipes they would care to share? :)

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